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WASimClient_CLI.h File Reference
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <msclr/marshal.h>
#include <msclr/marshal_cppstd.h>
#include "client/WASimClient.h"
#include "WASimCommander_CLI.h"

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class  WASimCommander::CLI::Client::WASimClient
 C+/CLI wrapper implementation of WASimCommander::Client::WASimClient. See documentation for the C++ class for most of the details. Only implementation differences are documented here. More...


namespace  WASimCommander
 WASimCommander main namespace. Defines constants and structs used in Client-Server interactions. Many of these are needed for effective use of WASimClient, and all would be useful for custom client implementations.
namespace  WASimCommander::CLI
 WASimCommander::CLI namespace. Container for implementation of the C++ WASimCommander API and WASimClient as a C++/CLI .NET "wrapper." The primary documentation is for the C++ version equivalents. Documentation for everything in the CLI namespace focuses primarily on any (non-obvious) differences from the C++ version.
namespace  WASimCommander::CLI::Client
 WASimCommander::CLI::Client namespace. Implementation of the C++ WASimClient as a C++/CLI .NET "wrapper.".


#define WSE   WASimCommander::Enums

Macro Definition Documentation


#define WSE   WASimCommander::Enums

Definition at line 45 of file WASimClient_CLI.h.


#define DELEGATE_DECL ( D)
{ void add(D^); void remove(D^); }

Definition at line 77 of file WASimClient_CLI.h.